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The Starkweather Arts Center gratefully acknowledges the generosity and support of its sponsors. These important supporters are committed to making the Starkweather Arts Center a jewel of Romeo, Michigan. Their commitment ensures a quality experience for all attendees, participants and volunteers. Without their assistance, the Starkweather Arts Center would not be possible.

Businesses & Organizations

Buccilli's Cakes

Commercial Graphics

Culligan Water

Ford Motor Company

Four County Community Foundation

The Friends of the Romeo District Library

Gordon Food Services

Greater Romeo Washington Chamber of Commerce

Home Depot

Jimmy John's

Dr. Michael Kehoe

Kiwanis Club of the Romeo Area

Les Young Masonry

Marcus Grill

Main Street Bar & Grill


Northend Tax and Accounting

Old Stone Bar & Grill

Pine Valley Golf Course

Preceptor Delta Beta Sorority

Rocks N Roots

Romeo Florist

Romeo Foundation for Educational Excellence

Romeo Guild of Art

Romeo Historical Society

Romeo Lions Club

Romeo Masonic Temple

Romeo MRP

Romeo Party Rental

Romeo Post Office

Romeo Printing

Romeo United Methodist Church

Romeo Washington Bruce Parks & Recreation

Romeo-Indian Village Questers #1196

Roth Muir Funeral Home

Sheena's Marketplace

"Stampin' Up" with Nancy Panduku

Sterling Printing

Sunny Mountain Painting

Thee Office

Theut Products, Inc.

UPS Store 1883

Van's Valley

Washington Art Guild

WellBridge of Romeo

Westview Orchards

Wiegand's Nursery


Charlotte Atkinson

Donna Aul

Michelle Banks

Don Clay

Joan Conner

Jennifer Conrad

Michael Daitch

Tom Darga

Paula Fisher

Donna Folland

Bill, Peg & Lisa Grandstaff

Jeff Harcourt

Christina Haylett

Mary Hewelt

Randy Ingersoll

Lisa Joseph

James Kasperek

Joyce Kilpatrick

Michelle & Doug Kouri

Vickie Kuhns

Sandra LaBaere

Brian Lee

Mary Jane Matthews

Kevin McMahon

Virginia Mosher

Christina Muir

Nancy & William Need

Neil O'Brien

Lou Page

Dave, Kim & Adam Parks

Lori Powers

Kat Pries

David Pyrce

Anna & Scott Roland

Peter Ruggirello

Emily Schroeder

Lynn Scully

Mary Shellabarger

Silvia Simon

Marianne Turner

Kent Van Allen

Mark, Grace, David & Carina Venet

Therese Winter


Helen Starkweather's History of Romeo Mural Project

Michelle Banks

Donald Brabb

Betty Buscak

Nancy Glidden

Helen Gorshe

Vickie Kuhns

Mary Mathews

William and Nancy Need

Romeo MRP (Merchants, Restaurants & Professionals)

Art Education

Four County Community Foundation

Kiwanis Club of the Romeo Area

Ford Motor Company

Romeo Guild of Art



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